Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Life Mulligan

On August 27, 1985, God gave me a Life Mulligan. Yep, I got a "do over." I was buried in the watery grave of baptism, and raised into a newness of life.

I've been thinking a lot about the Life Mulligan we get through Jesus as I prepare to preach a sermon on that subject on Dec. 28th. I sought some input from some preacher types that I respect, and even heard back from a few of them.

As 2008 comes to a close, I know that I need to utilize that Mulligan once again. To renew my dedication to Christ, and to His Word. To be a better husband, father, and minister of the Gospel of Christ. I am so glad that God is patient with me.

I pray that the new year ahead provides the opportunity for you to start fresh. Don't be afraid to make resolutions because God doesn't give us a spirit of fear, that is satan whispering in our ears. Don't be afraid to step out of the comfort zone and do something BIG for God. Nothing is impossible for God, and if we are following God, well, you get the point.

Besides, as Henry Ford put it: "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently."

As for me, I want to share the resolution Paul proclaimed to the Church at Corinth: "I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified." (1 Cor. 2:2)

May this Holy Season of Christmas and the approaching New Year give us strength, comfort, and the resolve to do bigger things for the Kingdom of Christ than we did over the past year.

Be God's,

Friday, December 12, 2008


Having labored in youth & family life ministries for the past 21 years, I think I may have a vested interest in the subject. Being a dad of three adult (yikes, I hate to have to write that) children...well four counting my newest daughter, Abi who married Elliott almost two years ago...I guess you can say that I have been there, done that. Funny thing about parenting: it never stops. Guess, I am gaining some of that wisdom that comes with age in that regard.

Another "funny" thing is that since satan hates us, he must try to do whatever he can to take us off task. In my situation, if satan can create havoc in my family life, wow, what a victory he would have. Well, he keeps trying. There are several situations going on these days that are not for public consumption, suffice it to say that the attacks are coming from all quarters. Not just from situations involving my kids, but my dad & sister as well. I have a brother who can't stay out of the hospital due to severe physical problems that have baffled the docs. Yeah, literally from every "front" I am under attack by the evil one. But, you know what? God is still in control. God will guide me one step at a time (I don't even think in terms of one day at a time any more).

The storms of family life are howling all around me, but I will hang on to the promise that God is with me. He will never leave, nor forsake me. I am not alone. I have Jesus, my Beautiful Bride, and the prayers of dear brothers & sisters in Christ. I have no need for anything else.

These storms will pass, and God will be glorified.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Or is that "Redo"? Yeah, that's it.

For some time now, I have limped along in the blogosphere not really blogging, but wishing that I did. This is my attempt to dive back into those murky waters. Yeah, the two folks who stumbled upon my blog in the past may wonder why the url has changed, but hey, they can still get here relatively easily and will now have an easier web address to remember.

2008 is proving to be the year of the Challenge. While in many respects, the year has been fantastic, there are other aspects of life that have risen up to bite me, big time.

An ongoing struggle with and for Ian constantly takes two steps forward and three steps back. Please jut keep him in your prayers. That's all I have to say publicly about that.

Over the past year, my sister succumbed to a serious drug addiction, and having control of my dad's finances, ruined him financially. I am now trying to help dig him out of a monster hole. My sister meanwhile has numerous legal troubles that do not involve dad or me. Keep them in your prayers. Pray for me as I try to help get dad back into something resuming financial stability. We are a LONG WAYS from there at the moment. That's all I have to say publicly about that.

Meanwhile, things are going well with the church. There is a spirit of enthusiasm, cooperation, and willingness that I haven't seen in a long time. We moved into a new building this year, culminating some 10 years worth of planning. The combination of being in the new location and the leadership exhibited by our preacher, Steve Jones, has us on an unprecedented growth track at VCC. As of this writing, we have had 31 baptisms, and 16 transfers of membership since April. To God be the glory!

My Bride battled pneumonia earlier this year, and a stress fracture in a foot this Fall,. so health-wise, this hasn't been a stellar year for Peggy. Her job situation has changed somewhat, although she is still primarily at Garden City Elementary school in Fort Pierce.

Emily is now a freshman (actually will officially be a sophomore in the Spring) at Florida Christian College. She seems to have adapted to "college life" quite well, and for that I am extremely grateful.

Elliott & Abi are doing well, and while we don't ge tto see them nearly as often as we would like, we are thankful for cell phones and the internet!

Now, with that brief "catch-up" let's see how often I get back on here to blog about something of "importance." Yeah, right.

Be God's,

Monday, December 01, 2008

Tis the Season...

...to remember Christ's birth!

Yeah, to the two of you who used to read this blog, I am back with an update. Life is coming at me full speed these days, and it is time to stop for a few minutes and reflect on my Lord and Savior Jesus!

I am so amazed that God loves me. I know what a wretch I am. Those aren't just words, that is the flat-out truth. What I deserve is the hottest flames of hell, but because of Jesus, I won't get what I deserve. I take great comfort in that thought as I struggle on every day with the challenges this life throws my way.

I am not only blessed to have my salvation through Jesus, Whose birth we celebrate at Christmas, but to be married to Peggy. She is my "Jesus-in-the-flesh." Peggy is not just the wife of my dreams, the mother of our children, she is my soul-mate in the Christian sense of the word! Thank you, Peggy, for being my Plum Woman!

May God's richest blessings be upon those who stumble across this blog. Merry Christmas to you, and know that this blog entry will not be the last one to express that sentiment.