The month of April was a whirlwind, and it is not my desire to reap the whirlwind, by any means! To say that the old acronym of
Yoke (BUSY) would describe April is a gross understatement.
I did a whirlwind trip to and from Alabama and brought Dad home. That trip happened faster and sooner than I had originally anticipated, but the bottom line is that Dad is now here with us. We have discussed many things including putting the house in Anniston up on the market, and the pending financial tsunami that must be taken care of. Now, Dad would just as soon not think about any of that, and I am walking the fine line between being "pushy and controlling" and being realistic and practical. Actually our "big talk" about all of that went far better than I had thought it would go, and I am so grateful for the continued prayers of folks who know what is going on.
Peggy's Mom is healing well, and is already back in Kentucky following her broken leg, surgery, and rehab in Florida. We are praising God for how He has worked in that situation, and for Mom's attitude, which has been superior!
Ian now has a full time job at the Sprint Store here in Vero! Praise God for answered prayer, and for angels in the flesh like Jim Adams. We have seen such a difference in Ian's demeanor and we are giving God the glory for the mighty work He continues to do in Ian's life!
Emily is home for the summer, having completed her first year at FCC, and I am so glad to have my Chick-A-Boo back home. We are in prayer for a summer job for her, and she may have a good line on a possibility with a day camp operation through the Salvation Army. It would be PERFECT for a gal majoring in Elementary Ed!
Peggy has battle several different "bugs" over the past month, an indication that she is working too hard, not resting enough, etc. I worry about my Bride, because of stress levels that normally go up at the end of the school year, and now with the added stress of having Dad here, and being married to a goober like me. She assures me that all is well, but I just want her to feel well for more than seven days in a row.
Ministry is going at a break-neck pace, as usual. Senior Roast is coming in a month, and I am so not ready for all the media work I need to do for that. Praise Team stuff is going well, and we are hitting our groove at a higher level these days. That is a blessing beyond words. I also know that discussions about what will be removed from my overburdened plate ministry-wise have to come soon, and I dread that. Please pray for those conversations and decisions and may God be gloried in all we do!
Now, it's time to head to the store, go to a wedding at the church, put the final touches on youth groups tomorrow night, get a few things gathered up for a teacher/sponsor appreciation luncheon meeting we have tomorrow, hang out with Dad, take care of my Bride, and whew...maybe I should take a nap first!