Wednesday, June 01, 2005

What is this?

Three guesses and the first two don't count. No, members of my immediate family are not elibible for the grand prize, as they already know. Let's just say this is not a one-of-a-kind deal, there are actually three of them. And oh boy, is Mamma ever proud.


Anonymous said...

A tattoo!

What do I win?

Scott K. Blount said...

Of course it is a tattoo, but the mystery is who and why and what and how and, well you get the picture. No, wait, you already got the picture, now for solving the whole mystery.

Anonymous said...

Oh, NOW you're gonna go and change the rules. I see how you are.

Scott K. Blount said...

Okay, you sore LOSER, I'll give you the prize. Your big wet kiss awaits you the next time you come to Zero Beach.

Anonymous said...

You'd better have a dog by my next visit...