Sunday, July 10, 2005

Scott Preaching

Scott Preaching
Originally uploaded by blountman.
We had church services both Sundays at Black Mountain East. I put together song services, and two messages using some DVD clips (one of which I did, one of which I got from a men's retreat message).

I had this picture taken so I could show the folks in Vero Beach how Kentuckians do church: A UK championship T-shirt, bare feet, and my pocket pc with my sermon notes. Now, THAT'S what a preacher should look like, eh? HA!

We are back home now, and glad to be here. Plenty going on which will be blogged about in coming days, I am sure.

Today the announcements were made: 1)the offer on our current church property including the vacant lot and parsonage - a congregatinal meeting/vote is scheduled for July 24th, and 2)Danny Dye's retirement under the oversight of the Elders effective Sept. 30, 2005.

Now, the REAL FUN begins...

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