Monday, May 29, 2006

Nice Racks

Memorial Day grillin' of two racks of pork ribs!

Close up of the ribs. They were delicious!

I bought a new flag today for the front of the house, so I could appropriately remember the meaning of this day. I am so grateful for the men and women who have given their lives so I could live free and grill ribs after swimming in my pool. I am so blessed to live in this country. On this Memorial Day, I salute the members of our armed services, and I am humbled by those who shed their blood for my freedom.

More importantly, I am humbled by the knowledge that Jesus shed His blood to provide my ternal freedom from sin. Today, I am also in a state of mourning for a dear Christian Brother who has been asked to resign from his ministry at a church that is growing numerically and spiritually, but is being "led" by a small group of men who are more interested in their own personal power than seeing the Kingdom expand. Satan is alive and well. He stinks.

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