Sunday, July 16, 2006

Vacation Dreamland

This picture sums it all up. Thanks to Lil Bro for capturing so perfectly our time together in Alabama. Robby and Yo were perfect hosts. Josh and Ben were more than gracious in being uprooted from their rooms while we were there. The home is beautiful. Yes, it is a work in progress, as they are still completing it as they live in it. For more pictures from the week, you must visit my flickr site. Props to Lil Bro for the fantastic gift regarding flickr!

Anyway, as I reflect back on the visit with Robby and Yo, with Aunt Phyl, with Ray, Kelly and their kids, with Jim and the boys and with Dad and Donna, I can only say that as fantastic as C-I-Y was, as phenomenal as the North American Christian Convention was, THIS WAS THE HIGHLIGHT OF MY SUMMER! We are already making plans for a repeat visit next year. After all, we need to see what progress has been made since our last "inspection tour." Ha!

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