Thursday, June 21, 2007

Day 4 of the C-I-Y Trip

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Injury. The theme for the "heavy day" at Summer Conference. Doug Aldridge got the theme started with his look at David's life and specifically his sin with Bathsheba. We're not just talking about physical injury, but emotional injury and spiritual injury as well. The D-Group lesson provided an excellent opportunity for students to open up about their injuries. One of our students did so in a major way. It was so beautiful to see this student become so vulnerable before the rest of the group. It was so beautiful to watch the rest of the group shower the love of Jesus on this person.

Jim Johnson continued the theme with a powerful message during Celebration. I appreciate Jim's ability to mix humor with a very serious subject. I'll never forget his mad parenting skills (can you say broken femur bone and busted heads?) I so much appreciate the story that he is Number Three on Andrea's list of best kissers...makes me feel not-quite-so-bad that Peggy told her parents I was "gross" when they tried to encourage her to date me way back in the 70's. But Jim nailed it when he reminded us that support groups are a good place to start the healing process for our emotional and spiritual injuries. They are not the finish line. Jesus is. In our Youth Group Time, we reminded our students that sometimes the most loving thing we can say to someone who is injured is that, "you need to repent of your sins." Sometimes, what is needed is a hug and a shoulder to cry on. Always, what is needed is someone to point the inured to Jesus.

Our students loved Robin's story about the farmer and the lamb that he had to injure to teach that lamb to let the farmer take care of him. See, the lamb kept running away, so the farmer had to injure the lamb and keep him in a special pen in his barn while nursing the lamb back to health, and while teaching the lamb to be okay with being dependent on the farmer. How often do we run away from Jesus, especially when we are hurting? I know that during my times of great emotional or spiritual injury, my natural tendency is to distance myself from Jesus. How foolish!

Of course the day wasn't all heavy. Bucket O Fun was a hoot with the tennis match. I love the short clips of "Juans." And Thor Ramsey had us all belly laughing for 45 minutes in the afternoon session. Good times for sure!

As we closed in our group circle prayer, I had everyone pray for the people on their right and their left. that meant you got to pray for someone who had just prayed for you. Once again our prayer circle was filled with emotion. Tears and laughter abounded in those prayers, and I know that God was right there with us, laughing and crying. When the student who had really opened up earlier in the day asked to pray after our prayer circle had ended, we were all in tears. They expressed heartfelt gratitude for having a place to belong, and having a family who accepted them just as they were. We do, but we love this person (and all of them) enough to not leave them like they are right now. We want to help them grow to be more like Jesus.

After our crew headed to their rooms, a fellow youth minister who also happens to be a young man we have seen grow up in youth group at another church came to me with tears in his eyes and a heart burdened for his students. He said that he felt so inadequate, and that he didn't know how to "fix" the kinds of injuries the students in his group had expressed today. I told him welcome to Youth Ministry. We are not called to "fix" those injuries. We are called to love those students in the Name of Jesus and to point them to Him. Many of those problems may never be "fixed," but our students need to know that they were never meant to be alone. Not only is God with them, but we are with them through this journey called life.

Thanks again, Christ In Youth, for a fantastic day at Summer Conference, and for plenty to think and pray about. The tears I have shed for my students today remind me to keep my heart pure and my eyes focused on the love of Jesus and the need to stay in step with His Plan for my life every day!

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