Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Originally uploaded by blountman
Lil Bro, Elliott and Abi were coming to Vero for a celebration of my birthday. We thought we would throw some babyback ribs on the grill and just enjoy a quiet evening...well, we enjoyed the evening, but the party grew to 12 of us, 11 of whom you can see in this picture I took as the ribs slow cooked on the grill.

It was, without a doubt, one of the best birthday celebrations of my life. I am NOT a fan of celebrating my birthday, as my family will readily tell you. I am, however a big fan of having family around, and that's what happened on this evening. Some were invited in advance, some just showed up, knowing that they are ALWAYS welcome in the "Fabulous Blount Mansion." The fact that ribs on the grill had somehow leaked out led to the invasion of folks some of whom who have had ribs with us before and they knew what was in store.

Like I say, I don't enjoy having a fuss made about my physical birthday, and I really do keep hoping that someday folks will make a bigger fuss out of my Spiritual Birthday (August 27th, by the way), because that is the one that is important to me. However, I have to say that having Ed, Elliott, Abi, Ian, Emily, Jonathan, Mike, Turtle, Jordan, and Melvin join my Bride Peggy and me for this occasion was wonderful beyond words. I just want to praise God for the blessing of the afternoon and evening. You can see several pictures from the celebration on my Flickr site including the beautiful "Southern Lights" display God put on for us as a birthday card from Him. I am so grateful for the blessing of family. I know that I am the most blessed man on the planet, and I want everyone to know that those blessings come from God in spite of fact that I am one of the biggest goobers to ever walk the planet. I don't deserve any of it, but I am thankful to my Lord Jesus for blessing my socks off anyway!

May God's richest blessings be yours, and may all of your surprises in life be as wonderful as mine was on this very special day.
Be God's,

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