Friday, October 05, 2007


So, we got Lil Bro moved up to Alabama this past week, and while there are plenty of stories to tell about that adventure (which turned out splendidly, by the way), I want to just focus on our supper jaunt on Tuesday night. After a day of cleaning out the garage and moving in Ed's stuff, Ed, Dad and I made a "late night" Wal-Mart run and then headed to: Mmmmmm...Sonic! Dad says he has never eaten at Sonic, so I wanted photographic proof of our visit and I wanted a picture of Dad's goatee. He kinda reminds me of Harlan Sanders with his new look, but for now we will just be satisfied with Mmmmm....Sonic.

Ed is now settling in with Dad, and that is an answer to many prayers. There are many others to lift up on Ed and Dad's behalf as they make the adjustments to life together under one roof in Sweet Home Alabama.

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