Thursday, June 25, 2009

Your Own Jesus

I have read an advanced copy of the first chapter of Mark Hall's (front man for Casting Crowns) forthcoming book "Your Own Jesus." The book comes out on August 1st, and I am anxiously awaiting its release. In the introduction, Hall declares..."many of us believers, even longtime members
of the body of Christ, have genuine faith but parasitic practices." That is a beautiful way of putting it. Too often, those who claim that they want to follow Christ, simply want to let someone else do all the "heavy lifting" while they go along for the ride. then, when those spiritual freeloaders find themselves on their own, they fall against the weight of the world. The world wants to belittle faith in Christ. The world wants to crush the spirits of those who try to follow Christ. Without a genuine faith of your own (not your parents' faith, not your minister's or youth minister's or youth sponsor's faith, not your friends' faith, but YOUR faith), you are doomed.

Hall goes on to write: "This book was generated as I asked myself — as I
now ask you — some difficult questions. Is your walk
with Jesus Christ characterized by personal faith, personal
prayer, personal study, and personal disciplines?
Or do you get by with the overflow from more mature
Do you have your own Jesus?
Perhaps reading these words makes you uncomfortable.
The notion sounds almost heretical."

Yeah, I am hooked already. I have two other books I am currently reading ("Crazy Love," and "The Hole In Our Gospel"). Gonna hafta get them read so I can be ready for the release of Mark Hall's "Your Own Jesus."

Gonna hafta continue encouraging the students in our ministry to get their own faith and run with it. The time to be parasitic in your faith is long gone!

Be God's,

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