Thursday, April 28, 2005


Originally uploaded by blountman.
Take that, Lil Bro!

My PDA with wireless keyboard in front of the iMac G-5 (note the stack of DVD-RW's next to the iMac) on my desk, sitting beside the monitor for one of the two PC's in my office. Photo taken by my camera phone.


Anonymous said...

Hey, at least MY Axim isn't broken. :-Þ

Scott K. Blount said...

I have the replacement, complete with all the programs and files loaded in there, bad boy!

Anonymous said...

Now, to add insult to injury, this comment was typed on the wireless keyboard at Panera Bread during my lunch break, and posted thnaks to my Axim!

Anonymous said...

Guess I should identify myself,eh, Lil Bro?

Big Bro