Monday, April 11, 2005

Salt losing its saltiness

I've been wrestling with the concept of salt losing its saltiness today. Part of my daily devotional reading came from Luke 14:34-35 in which Jesus says,"Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is fit for neither the soil nor for the manure pile; it is thrown out. He who has ears to hear, let him hear."

I know all the metaphorical ties between living the Christian life, being salty for Christ, etc., but I wanted to know how can salt lose its saltiness? The answer is that it can't. Salt is salt, no matter what, but it can become polluted, thus losing any resemblance of its purpose. If we don't remain put in Christ, we can lose any resemblance to our purpose. Our purpose of course is to worship God. Well, I wrestled with the concept in my daily devo, and I am still wrestling with it on my blog. I don't want to become polluted by sin and by the world to the point that I lose any resemblance of my purpose. I must admit, I had a rough Friday that temporarily took my eyes off focus, but God is faithful and He put the right folks in my path on Friday to restore that focus, so I didn't lose too much of my salty character when all was said and done. He is so cool to do that. He has that timing thing down pat.

Well, enough time spent on this subject for today. I have much to do and little time in which to do it. More painting is on the agenda, and with an Elders & Deacons meeting this evening, while Peggy has an after school training to attend today through Wednesday, we have our hands full!

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