Tuesday, May 31, 2005
The Best Day In Alabama
Alabama Journal 5
Friday, May 27, 2005
It was only 62 on the back porch when I was talking with my Bride on the phone this morning. A ten degree difference from yesterday, yay! I had a shirt on today, too! After returning to the warmth of Dad’s house, I got a hot shower, and got ready for what would be a most eventful day. Lil Bro and I spent some time on the porch chillin’ and then headed to the Anniston Public Library for some Internet time. Thus, the earlier posts from Alabama.
After our trip to the Library (and the near-miss with the stealth red car at the four-way stop), we returned home to find the “vampires” had all risen. We had the hanerkin’ for some Sonic Frito Chili Pie, so plans were finally hammered out for the trip. Lil Bro, Baby Sis and I made the journey, and when we placed the order that confused the poor Sonic Employee to no end, we got the bad news. Sonic is apparently removing Fritos Chili Pie from the menu. We were told that they only had enough ingredients left to give us three orders (not the four that we wanted)! No Fritos Chili Pie? That is not Sonic! It was a foreshadowing of many “interesting” things to come on this most eventful day.
Now, Lil Bro and I had been wanting to make the trip to Cheaha Mountain (almost as badly as we had been wanting to show “Napoleon Dynamite” to Dad, Middle Bro and Baby Sis), so after eating the last of the Fritos Chili Pie from Sonic ever, we firmed up the trip to the mountain. Baby Sis didn’t make the trip with us as she was not feeling well (more than just a little “run” down, with the key word in quotations, if you catch my drift…if you don’t, then never mind). Middle Bro had the highlight of the day to that point with his blast on Bald Rock! I’ve never experienced that kind of nasty stink on top of a mountain. An enclosed structure, like the mall concourse that Lil Bro stunk up the day before, maybe…but in the open air of a mountaintop? WHEW!
We took a different route back home from the mountain top, and the drive was beautiful! The winding roads and the lush green forest were perfect. Lil Bro was in driving heaven! Please check out the pictures Lil Bro will post on his Flickr site.
If the day had ended then, it would have been classified as a Top Ten Day of all time. But, no! The best was yet to come!
We had dinner plans for the Top O The River and it was the best meal ever! After taking a picture of Middle Bro with the bunnies outside the restaurant, we made our way in and had no waiting to be seated. Our waitress, Derrika, commented that we were a “quiet group.” Serious mistake. Middle Bro lay in wait for her with his straw and straw paper loaded for some blow dart action. He nailed her right in the face from point blank range! She smiled, and said she would take care of matters. Lil Bro reminded her that Middle Bro was the one who ordered onion rings (the rest of us had baked potatoes). Soon, a guy from the kitchen came to deliver three of the five meals, so Dad, Baby Sis and Lil Bro had theirs (we had munched on the cornbread, and cole slaw as well as some greens and fried pickles…great stuff!). Shortly afterwards, Derika showed up to apologize because they had “run out of fish” and were fixing some more for us. Right. At her next appearance, she gave me my fried catfish and baked potato (both of which were delicious). She then “served” Middle Bro his plate, which has already been pictured on the blog: raw catfish and raw onion rings. Derika rawks! I told the cashier so, and wrote a nice comment on the bill as well. She got a nice tip from us all, and Middle Bro eventually even got a cooked meal. Now, the day had moved into a top seven status.
Desert was the long-awaited “Napoleon Dynamite” screening at Dad’s house that night. I didn’t think Donna would ever stop laughing during the Napoleon Dance scene after Pedro’s campaign speech. Dad just kept saying “there’s something not right about that boy” throughout the movie. Tim was in awe. Mission accomplished. GOSH! They finally watched the flippin’ movie! After taking them through the hidden wedding scene and the deleted scenes from the flip side of the disk, I went to bed dreaming of a trip back to Paradise on Earth: Vero Beach. The day had to be a top six day (Number one is August 27, 1985 when I was baptized into Christ. Number Two is August 8, 1981, when my Bride said “I do.” There is a three way tie for third with the dates January 30, 1985; November 7, 1988; and December 27, 1989…yeah, the kids’ birthdays)!
Alabama Four
Alabama Journal 4
Thursday, May 26, 2005
It was a crisp 50 degrees on the back porch at 7:20 AM REAL time. My phone conversation with my Bride was chilly to say the least. Okay, our conversation was warm, but I was not. Guess I should have had a shirt and shoes on along with my Hot Tamale sleep pants, eh? My Bride is worth every freezing moment on the phone. She is battling the sinus junk and having to play Mom and Dad this week, so I can at least sacrifice by calling her on the way to school each morning, even if it means freezing my toes off!
I did warm back up after spending some time in the house and eventually in a hot shower! Lil Bro and I spent a pleasant morning on the back porch with Sam (the cat), and lamented that we hadn’t gone to the Library while the rest of the crew was asleep. With no internet access at Dad’s, Lil Bro and I are both experiencing withdrawals. Ha!
Our plans were to go to I-HOP for a brunch before Baby Sis headed to work, and we left about 30 minutes later than originally planned. Of course, by then, Lil Bro and I had already put in half a day…I worked on some of my church camp stuff, so it wasn’t a totally wasted morning.
We did make it to I-HOP and got our grub on. Most satisfying. Baby Sis headed for work from there, and Lil Bro and I kidnapped Middle Bro and Dad for a trip to the mall, the movies to see “Revenge of the Sith.” It gets better every time I see it! (This makes three times). Middle Bro and Dad were sufficiently pleased, neither being big Star Wars fans. Lil Bro was more than satisfied, although I’ll defer to his blog for any comments he wants to make on the flick. After the movie, we walked to Radio Shack in search of a pillbox timer for Dad. No such luck, but in addition to the five missed phone calls I got during the movie, I had calls from both Elliott and my Bride. I’m not sure, but I think Lil Bro gets a big laugh out of the time I spend on the phone talking with those two. Jealous. Ha! I was still hoping we would finish off the evening with a good screening of “Napoleon Dynamite” at the house later in the evening, but a Braves game won out instead.
It was a nice day, filled with some fun, and I got to click off one of my “to-do’s” for the trip…ROTS with my bros and my dad. Still, I gotta get ND in the DVD player that now works in Dad’s TV room! You might say things are getting pretty serious around here.
Alabama Next
Alabama Journal 3
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
It's 8:05 AM, and I've been awake for about an hour, having called my Bride on her way to school (it was after she had already dropped off Ian & Emily). Yesterday was a day filled with laughter and good times:
Elliott called me to tell me that the battery was dead on Hope. Apparently one of the retractable headlights hadn't fully retracted when he got back on campus the night before, so his battery was drained. He couldn't find the hood release on the front of the car, so I had to describe how to find it over the phone. It took him several minutes but he did find it, got the battery jump started, and learned that he must make sure the headlight fully retracts from now on. Another Batman Adventure via cell phone! D he was pretty much finished with D-Group lesson writing for the day, and had some finishing touches to do on his Europe Trip paper, then would spend time in the pool that afternoon...a requirement of his job with the school. Tough job, eh?
Lil Bro and I tried to solve the mystery of the DVD player, finally deciding that we would have to get an RF converter box. Wal Mart here we come! Now, Lil Bro is anti-Wal Mart, but we had already decided that $1.49 soda at Winn Dixie was not acceptable. With the need for soda, and the RF converter, Wal Mart was the choice of the day. Lil Bro especially liked my attempt to "ambush" him with my camera phone in the Wal Mart parking lot, finally giving in and posing for the shot previously posted.
Upon arriving back at the house, we got the DVD player hooked up, and Napoleon Dynamite time is coming! SWEET!
Baby Sis and Dad both had doctors' appointments during the mid-day (or early morning according to their body clocks...10 AM and noon, respectively), so our trip to Pell City to meet the Goggans Clan was not going to be until 4:30 Central Time. Of course Baby Sis had forgotten to factor in the road construction on I-20 that none of the rest of us really knew about anyway, so we wound up doing the parking lot on the Interstate thing for a while, before jumping off I-20 and taking the "back roads" in to our meeting place: Western Sizzlin'. It was about 5:40 when we got there, having called Aunt Phyllis to tell her we were running late, but on the way. The visit with cousins Yolanda, Jim and Ray was fabulous! Yolanda's husband Robbie was there as well, and for an hour and a half inside the restaurant, and another hour and a half in the parking lot, we laughed and carried on like madmen and women. We all agreed that it was foolish for us to not get together more often, and Yolanda begged us to come stay at their home...a beautiful southern mansion overlooking a lake that they built themselves. I think next summer's family vacation should be a visit to the mansion.
I "asked" Lil Bro to drive back, so I could call my Bride and chillins, since it was 10:00 PM REAL Time. I got the shocker of the day, when my Bride told me that Turtle had gotten suspended from school for getting into a fight and breaking a guy's nose! Now, Turtle is the most docile dude I know, but apparently this other guy had been picking on Turtle all year long, and Turtle finally snapped. You don't want to mess with a Snapping Turtle! When my Bride told me "you'll never guess what happened at school today," she was right. I would never have guessed that in a million years! I also spoke with both Ian and Emily...Emily was excited because she did get a 4 on her FCAT Reading which should exempt her from her English Final. YAY! Both kids said they were helping to take care of Mamma, so that made me feel better. I am worried about her, since her throat is on fire and her sinuses are yucky, and I am not there to help out, but she will survive, and she will appreciate me that much more upon my return, eh? Watched some TV with Dad until midnight REAL time, and then hit the air mattress for the night, exhausted, but extremely satisfied with the day. Today, we plan to go to I-Hop for breakfast before Baby Sis heads off for her 12 hour work day work day, and we head off for "Return of the Sith," With some Napoleon Dynamite thrown in for good me measure! SWEET!
Alabama - Day 2
By the time I came out of that near comatose state of sleep Monday afternoon, even Dad was up. Apparently this
Middle Bro whipped up some eggs (a cheese omelet) and sausage, and we four guys ate like we had never eaten before. It was most tasty and most appreciated. Of course the banter around the table was the usual cut-ups (not really put-downs because we love each other...oh we make fun, and we tease, but nothing is taken seriously...after all, it is us!), and compliments to the chef. And, miracles of miracles, by the time we finished our breakfast, Donna arose from her slumber! Donna works 40 hours in a three day work week, so, she sleeps a lot to make up for lost time when she has a day off. Or so, we're told anyway! Before breakfast I did finally hear from Elliott, who had completed his first day of training for his traveling group at the school. They were writing D-group lesson materials, and were planning on going swimming for exercise in a bit when he called. My Bride also called at
After Donna had eaten, we discussed plans for the evening, and decided we would all ride to
Peggy was feeling better when I spoke with her, but was getting ready to call it a night. Good idea. The VCR I set up to tape "24" was doing its job, so I was happy to hear that. I hung up with her, only to get an immediate call from Emily who was jealous that I had spoke with my Bride but didn't ask to speak with my Chick-A-Boo. We talked for a few, I reminded her to take good care of her Mom, then rejoined the clan in the TV room watching a Braves game. I had apparently missed the highlight of the evening. Dad had been sitting in a patio chair, leaning back. He made the statement, "some of the stupidist people I know have a string of degrees." Then, this Masters Degree dude tipped his chair over too far, and fell. He was uninjured, which led everyone to fits of uncontrollable laughter. We decided that sometimes Dad goes too far in trying to prove his point! HA!
We did finally hear back from Aunt Phyllis, and have plans to meet with her, Ray, Jim and Yolanda Tuesday at 5:15 in Pell City (about halfway between Anniston and Jasper). It will be great to get us all together again. That hasn't happened since 1997 when Grandpa Johnson was diagnosed with cancer. This time, we are getting together just because we are; not because someone is sick or dying! Thus a microcosm of the reason for Lil Bro and I making this suicide run of a trip to
I Warned You!
Sunday was the longest day ever. A good day, but a long one nevertheless.
Whitney & Chris did indeed make it (finally) for the
After calling Elliott and letting Whitney give him a hard time, we checked out the
Upon my arrival at home (knowing that Lil Bro would be there waiting for me, and knowing that I had done nothing to pack and prepare for our trip north), I sat to visit with Lil Bro for a few, Peggy warmed up more spaghetti for supper, and then the packing began in earnest. Lil Bro and I decided to forgo the nap, and just leave that evening. So at about
Exit 2 in
Bringing only the essentials our essentials (our clothes, and the air mattresses on which we will sleep this week), we came in and started setting up camp in the living room. Middle Bro awoke and came down to visit with us while we set up. He tried to entice us into breakfast at that point, but we decline, telling him to take his
Monday, May 30, 2005
Blount Boys
More from and about the Sweet Home Alabama tour is coming soon. I promise.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Catfish & Onion Rings
Don't hit the waitress in the face with the straw paper, and then place your catfish order at Top O' The River in Anniston, Alabama. Just ask Tim! Sushi anyone?
News From Sweet Home Alabama
No, seriously, it has been a great visit. Much more pleasant than last year's emergency trip to Anniston! I have been journaling every day on my Axim, and upon the return to Vero Beach, I will post those journal entries here on the blog, so the three of us who actually read it can get a giggle. Suffice it to say for now, that this year's trip to Alabama has been wonderful. I miss my family dearly, and the gathering with the Goggans clan the other night re-ignited that yearning to spend some quality time with them. Yolanda wants us to come stay at her house on the lake, and Peggy and I have already conversed about that as a summer vacation destination for next year. I soooooo want to do that!
With less than 20 minutes of internet time remaining for me here in the Library, and with several work-related items to take care of, I will let this be the post of the day. Be warned: those upcoming daily journal entries are coming soon!
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Heading out
Friday, May 20, 2005
Elliott now has the full blow Sinus City thing going on, meaning all five of us have suffered with it this week. Tons of snot, uh fun.
Tomorrow is the "Star Wars Marathon" for our youth group. We start at 8:30 AM with Episode IV "A New Hope" and will watch all the movies in the series via DVD until we leave for the theatres for the 7:45 PM showing of "Revenge of the Sith." That will be one loooonnnnnng day!
Sunday, sees a visit from a former youth group "kid" who is now a college graduate. She and her boyfriend will visit us at church and at the house afterwards. Then, Lil Bro heads up this way, and after Youth Groups Sunday night, the two of us will head for Sweet Home Alabama!
Sneak preview, Lil Bro, of your challenge:
Total Music Files on my computers - UNKOWN AT THIS POINT.
The last CD I bought - "Beauty From Pain" by Superchic[k]
Five songs I listen to a lot or that mean a lot to me - HA! Five? Any five by the Beatles, Chicago, Rich Mullins, Third Day, Chris Tomlin, David Crowder Band, and I haven't even gotten started on possible singles by folks like Lynyrd Skynyrd and DeGarmo & Key. I will narrow it down by the time I know my music file storage figures (somewhere in the 30 g range, since I have a new computer at home without a lot of music stored on it yet).
I promise to give you the real scoop right after the return from Alabama next week. So, how about you, Jeff Sagstetter, are you up for the challenge?
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Revenge of the Sith
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Pure 70's
Enough of that boring stuff, though. I'm sitting here jammin' to the CD "Pure 70's" for no reason other than that I can. Okay, the CD has "Sweet Home Alabama" on it, and since I am gearing up for next week's trip to Anniston to see Dad, Donna and Tim (who's in from California), then I thought I would just jam out a while. Peggy is leading a D-group of middle school girls in a Bible Study in the living room, so I'll jam to 70's music that does not fit with a Bible study in any way whatsoever for a few minutes!
Sinus city is still keeping me semi-dizzy (although many who know me, think that is my natural state). I did get Star Wars tickets exchanged since Elliott and I can't go as early as we were planning on originally. No, I'm not going to the 12:01 am showing. It won't be until 2:00 pm tomorrow before I see the Revenge. Having read plenty on the movie, I am anticipating a great time of special effects, and transformation to Darth Vader that should be most satifying. I know this movie is darker than the others. It has to be. I also know that I will be carefully looking for application to go along with the two Sunday night youth group lessons I am tying in with this flick. We have been studying a series called JEDi Training (Jesus Educated DIsciples), and have followed Lucas' format of Episode IV, V, VI, then I, II and finally III. The lessons have gone quite well, and I hope to glean enough from the movie tomorrow to fill in the flesh on the lesson plans for Sunday night and for May 29th (since I will be in Sweet Home Alabama all next week, and won't be writing that lesson up there).
It's be a ton of fun having Elliott here this week, and it makes me sad to think that he will only be here a couple more days before heading off for the summer. Oh, he will be back next weekend for part of the time, then it's off trapsing about the country until the first week of
August. He will be traveling for Florida Christian College with a team that does mostly Christ In Youth Summer Conferences, and a few church camps. It is a great opportunity for him.
Ian and Emily are counting down the days before school ends, and Peggy is counting down the minutes! They are so funny. Me? I am jammed with church camp stuff, summer ministry stuff (oooohhhh, "Long Train Runnin'" just came on!), CIY Summer Conference final touches, and trying to think about how to get things ready for the Fall. I have three different sets of materials, one of which will be used for our D-groups, and the other two put in a rotation for youth groups, but I gotta get one or more of my sponsors to take the lead on putting this material together. We'll see. Oh yeah, and I still have to write the summer Degoba Training Ground Lesson Series...whew.
Well, now it's off to one of my guilty TV pleasures: "Lost." I have a great lesson series based loosely on that TV show, I may hafta work that in before long, too. So many ideas, not enough time to get it all together. Pure 70's my brothas and sistas!
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
I Feel Like Making...Snot
Monday, I spent in the bed and in my easy chair. Monday was a blur. Today was not much better, much of it a blur as well, but at least I got a few things done at work. Yee haw! All of this as I am facing the deadline pressure of getting two weeks' worth of work done in three days! Yay!
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Dog Waste Only
Jimi's Guitar
Elliott's pictures are in, and I will post two of them that will encapulsate his Europe trip perfectly. Anticipation...it's better than the real thing (at least that's what I'm told anyway).
Friday, May 13, 2005
Hurry up and wait
While my meeting Tuesday with Tod Schwingel about our week of camp was very productive, Wednesday saw me fighting with new software on the new computer in my office, thus putting me behind in lesson writing activities. I did manage to go back in the office for two hours after praise team resarsals Wednesday and get lots of office work taken care of...CIY Summer Conference stuff mostly, so that was productive, to say the least.
Thursday saw me on the road again to Florida Christian College for a meeting of the Advisory Committee for the Florida Christian Youth Convention . We finally have come up with a location for this year's (and hopefully next year's) convention! YAY!!!! That has been a five month battle of frustration.
Ian & Emily had their Spring Chorus Concert at the high school last night, which was all the more interesting because Ian had come home from school before noon yesterday and slept all afternoon. Yes, we are a house filled with sinus infected folks! He was pale as a sheet, and his eyes were dark side of the moon in color, his throat was sore, but he was the one bass singer we could hear from our second row seats in the new Performing Arts Center at the high school! Emily had major trauma when she couldn't find her shoes for the performance. After tearing the house upside down twice, we decided that maybe she had left them in the choir room...she had, so Peggy and I were thrilled to see her come out to the risers wearing those long sought after shoes!

To top off our exciting Thursday, the world traveler finally came home! Elliott was worn out (it was about a 23 hour day of waking activities for him) after the flight from London to Orlando, and after moving the rest of his stuff out of the apartment he has lived in this past school year and into the apartment he will be in for part of the summer and next school year. He took about 180 pictures on his 12 day Europe trip, so when we get those developed, I will upload several to this site. It is SO GOOD to have Elliott back home, even if it is only for a week!
Today, I must finish up JEDi training writing for Sunday night, write my Sunday morning lesson, and prepare for the camp workers' retreat that I MUST attend...leaving Vero Beach around 3:30 this afternoon. Woo hoo! Well, I was hoping to hear back from the doc before I finished this post, but I guess I'll just hafta hurry up and wait...
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
On the Road Again
Monday, May 09, 2005
Monday, Monday
As for today, I have been a busy little boy, trying to track down some software mysteries (Lil Bro, I have spoken with John, and he is looking into it, but hasn't gotten back with me yet), working ahead on worship service planning, writing devos for my week of camp, corresponding with tons of folks, and soon, I head out to pick up Emily to take her to the doc. Both she and Ian are snotting around these days. More so than the normal snot-nosed teenager stuff. I'm talking sinusitus-type stuff. Anyway, Emily has a 2:10 appointment, I haven't had lunch yet (my Special K awaits), and then there is the Elders' & Deacons' meeting to prepare for this evening. That, after making a couple more camp contacts.
Now, wasn't holding your breath just so worth it?
Tomorrow sees me jaunting over to camp to meet with my co-director, and Thursday finds me in Kissimmee for a meeting to help plan the state youth convention. Oh yeah, and Friday & Saturday, I'll be at a retreat for camp workers. Wooo-hooo! Only two more weeks before Lil Bro and I are in Sweet Home Alabama thanks to Pistis. Oh, I still have to make a call to Aunt Eula giving her the bad news that Tim & Dad aren't coming to Florida. Wonder why I have been putting off making that phone call?
Nice hat!
Just testing out a mobile blogger feature now. This is a picture of a hat that Samantha Morgan and I will share during CIY Summer Conference this year. Don't I look lovely in it? A more serious and in-depth posting will follow later this afternoon. I know you are holding your breath with anticipation.
Friday, May 06, 2005
May this vehicle be a testament to our faith that God provides.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Communiction Is A Beautiful Thing
All is well, jut busy as a little bee. Working on camp stuff, trying to figure out what to do vehicle-wise (with two of the three vehicles we own in very bad shape, a tough decision is coming, no doubt), and trying to take care of my "normal" duties at the church, while still taking care of some of the "little things" at the house (like pressure cleaning, touch up painting, etc.). So, yeah, things are busy.
With Farrah taken care of now (what do you mean I changed the spelling of faucet, Ed? Me?), and our bank account much lighter because of plumbing work, and with an impending replacement of our air conditioning system at the house, albeit planned, the thought of having to replace one or even two vehicles is daunting to say the least.
Now that you are caught up with the mundane existence that is my life, I'll jump off of here and get back to work for a while. And Peggy, if you are going to check the blog, you could at least leave a lovely comment, eh? Otherwise, I'll talk with you on the phone on your way home this afternoon!
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Desperate Camp Guy
Had plans on being in the office earlier today, but the plumber took care of that. We needed to replace our garbage disposal and have some outside faucet work done, and today was the day for it to get done. So, at 11:20 AM, I still haven't been in the office yet. Oh, I've been working...working the phones trying to get more camp workers! I've called all around south and central Florida. The desperation is my faith that God will take care of this.