Monday, May 02, 2005


Release. That seems to be God's big message for me these days. It is the same message He is trying to get through to Peggy as well. We had a restless night with Elliott in flight to Europe, knowing that we likely will not hear from him until he is back in the good ole U.S. on May 12th. Well, Peggy had a restless night, which means I had a restless night, too. We went to Kissimmee on Saturday to spend some time with him before his departure, which actually didn't take place until yesterday afternoon, but traveling to Kissimmee on Sundays is not something that can usually take place given our ministry schedule. We enjoyed the time together, eating at Moe's. I get some kind of perverse pleasure out of ordering the "Homewrecker" there. That is one GREAT burrito! We also tooled around the Disney Community "Celebration." What a time warp trip that place is. Talk about a community that wants to look like it came right out of the 50's! Very nice. Very Disney. Yesterday brought with it the usual Sunday whirlwind, with one addition: My main computer in my office at the church is "broke." The computer guys at the church were going to add some memory to it, but the motherboard fried. It figures. This was the one week when I had not gotten my Sunday night lesson materials off of that hard drive and onto a disc (planning on doing that Sunday afternoon). We dropped back and punted for youth groups. Our JEDi Training went to Rita's Italian Ice and I got to do my devotional talk using the notes I had put together on my new Dell Axim (see my previous posts). Gloat, gloat. Back to release. It is amazing how much more at peace I am today (he says with all the sarcasm he can muster) because I have released the worries of the past couple of weeks to God. (Yes the sarcasm is aimed at the fact that he knew the peace would come if he had just been willing to release...Scott is such a doofus). Now, to help my Bride enjoy the same peace that I am feeling...

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