Monday, August 08, 2005

Anniversary Card

If I had bought a card, this would be the one!

Peggy and I spent our Anniversary evening doing what has become our traditional Anniversary date: going to a local establishment with greetings cards and looking through the Anniversary Cards together. We pick out one card each from all that we look at and say, "If I had bought a card, this would be the one!" We laugh at the silly ones, get misty-eyed over the sentimental ones, and just enjoy that time together. It is free. It costs us nothing. We spend that time together just celebrating our precious time together.

This year, because we are celebrating #24, we went to a special place for dinner: Taco Bell. Yeah, that's what fit in our budget, but that's a whole other story that I don't want to go into right now. Then, it was home to watch some preseason NFL, with the Hall of Fame Bowl featuring the Dolphins and the Bears, as well as watching our beloved Reds beat up on the Cubs in Monday night baseball. What a perfect night. What a perfect wife!

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