Thursday, August 25, 2005

Blow Me Down...NOT!

Well, looks like Tropical Storm/Hurricane Katrina will stay far enough south of us soas to have very little serious impact on Indian River County. We will get some much needed rain, but winds are not supposed to be anything above about 35 miles per hour. Just a blustery day or two. As we enter the peak of Hurricane Season, anxiety levels are on the rise. This time last year, we had just experirenced the first of what were four named systems that impacted our weather in Vero Beach. In September of 2004, we took two direct hits from major hurricanes. So, people here are a little nervous.

I am not. It is totally in God's hands, and I am okay with that. The storms of life come and go. Jesus stays the same. There are plenty of storms blowing up in and around my life these days, but as I continue to read from the Bible each day I am to be strong and courageous. I am to realize that God is in control. Part of today's Scripture reading:
1 Cor. 16:13-14
[13] Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. [14] Do everything in love.

Part of yesterday's Scripture reading:

Job 12:13-25

[13] "To God belong wisdom and power;

counsel and understanding are his.

[14] What he tears down cannot be rebuilt;

the man he imprisons cannot be released.

[15] If he holds back the waters, there is drought;

if he lets them loose, they devastate the land.

[16] To him belong strength and victory;

both deceived and deceiver are his.

[17] He leads counselors away stripped

and makes fools of judges.

[18] He takes off the shackles put on by kings

and ties a loincloth around their waist.

[19] He leads priests away stripped

and overthrows men long established.

[20] He silences the lips of trusted advisers

and takes away the discernment of elders.

[21] He pours contempt on nobles

and disarms the mighty.

[22] He reveals the deep things of darkness

and brings deep shadows into the light.

[23] He makes nations great, and destroys them;

he enlarges nations, and disperses them.

[24] He deprives the leaders of the earth of their reason;

he sends them wandering through a trackless waste.

[25] They grope in darkness with no light;

he makes them stagger like drunkards.

It is so good to let God be in control. It is so good to be reminded to be strong and courageous, be on your guard, stand firm in your faith and to do everything in love. I really needed to hear those messages from God these days!

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