Thursday, August 25, 2005

Decent Report

I know, don't faint. Two blog posts in one day (like anyone is actually reading them - ha!). Went to the dermatologist today and had three "skin tags" taken off my neck. One of them had gone nuclear on me in the past three weeks, growing big time, changing color, etc. It is now off to the lab for a biopsy. I also got the Mr Freeze spray on my left forearm for what may be a pre-cancerous spot. Nothing to worry about, just taking care of business.

Now that you know more about my current medical state than you could have possibly been interested in, I will close this post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read your blog. I just don't always make comments. You're going to come out just fine during your church's transition. I'll lift your church, you and your family up in prayer. Take it easy Scott.