Thursday, April 21, 2005

I'm Accepted

In the midst of my week from hell, a friend and fellow minister asked me if I had a copy of the lyrics of an old DeGarmo & Key song: "I'm Accepted." Written in 1989, it can't be found in the search engines I have employed. However, I did find the cassette tape that has that song on it, and this morning, e-mailed the lyrics to my brother Tony Amerine. This is one bright spot in my week, and I will share the lyrics with both of the readers of this blog at the end of this post.

Yesterday, Elliott called to tell me that his car wouldn't shift into any forward gear. Oh, reverse still works, but that isn't very helpful. I had him pick up some transmission fluid, praying that it was something as simple as being way too low on fluid (this after also checking with a Dodge Mechanic friend). No such luck. Elliott is supposed to leave Kissimmee for Jacksonville this evening for a school-related trip, and won't get back until Saturday evening. His plans also include coming down to Vero on Sunday for the last chance we will get to see him before he heads to Europe. That bit of excitement with his car really helped my mood yesterday. Then, at praise team practice we noticed smoke coming out of the back of the computer in the projection room. I'm not an expert on computers, but I'm pretty sure that is not a good sign!

This morning, I called Elliott who was "freaked out," because he set his alarm clock wrong, was rushing to get ready for class, and still hadn't talked with a transmission place in the Kissimmee area to get his car looked at. He has now, and the car will be picked up at 11 this morning to do the trouble-shooting.

So, yeah, that is the excitment that makes up my life right now. Oh, I have tons to do to finish out sermon work, a lesson to write for youth groups on Sunday night that usually takes me 3-4 hours to take care of, and on and on I could go. But I won't. I spent a lot of time whining yesterday, and this blog post is a pretty big whine fest so far. I am just glad that God can forgive me of my whining. I'm glad that inspite of the fact that I am a big doofus, I'm accepted. The following lyrics are not used with permission, but I will give full credit to Eddie and Dana. Those guys rocked when contemporary Christian music wasn't nearly as "cool" as it is today!

I’m Accepted
Written by Eddie DeGarmo & Dana Key

I may not be rich, don’t wear fashion clothes.
Don’t live in a mansion. Don’t have much that shows.
Never won a contest in popularity.
Don’t have much to offer, but Jesus still loves me.
I’m accepted, accepted. I’m accepted by the One Who matters most.

Never set a record in sports agility.
Never was magnetic in personality.
That don’t really matter. I’ll do the best I can.
‘Cause there’s a God above me Who loves me like I am.
I’m accepted, accepted. I’m accepted by the One Who matters most.

If you think you’re a loser, when you fail it seems at everything you do.
Just remember there’s a Savior, and you are worth enough,
He gave His life for you.
I’m accepted, accepted. I’m accepted by the One Who matters most.

©1989 DKB Music (a division of The ForeFront Communications Group, 1105 16th Avenue South, Suite C, Nashville, TN, 37212 615-327-1880)/ASCAP

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Little known techie fact: All computers run on magic smoke. If they ever spring a leak and you see the magic smoke escaping, your computer is useless.

I'm sorry your day (and week) has gone so badly. Mine (especially today) has gone so much better than I had feared that I feel a little guilty.

It truly heartens me, though, to know that your trust in the Lord helps you to keep your eye on the goal, and not to be too distracted by the obstacles that the enemy throws before you to remember what is *really* important.

I love you, Bro'.