Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Worn Out

This has been a difficult week for me already, and it is only Wednesday. Tensions created by indifference are wearing me down. Peggy and I are struggling to keep things afloat, and while we are fine, we are more than a little concerned about Ian. His indifference is staggering.

I know that satan (I never capitalize his name, he is not worthy of that much respect), is working hard on me this week, as I try to prepare a sermon since Danny will be on vacation Sunday. I know that satan wants to knock me off track as I study about "Which King Will You Serve?" I know that I have to dig in that much harder. I also know that I am physically, mentally, and spiritually tired today. Even more so than yesterday, and I didn't think that was possible.

I am not trying to throw a self pity party here, just stating fact. I know that God is able. I believe that God is victorious. I have no doubt that I love Jesus with all my heart, and that He loves me inspite of myself. It is no coincidence that a big part of my study this week has come from 1 Kings 19:3-13 where Elijah is whining to God and God shows Elijah what's what. It is no coincidence that I am preparing a message about "Which King Do You Serve?" Even if no one else needs to hear that message Sunday, I do.

Being relatively new to this whole blog thing, I don't know if these ramblings would be considered good blog materials, but since I am about the only one reading this stuff, I guess it doesn't really matter, eh? This is theraputic though. These are things I can journal about that I wouldn't necessarily send in my daily devotions. These are things I wouldn't necessarily talk about from the pulpit or in a lesson. So, I guess I can just whine all I want on this blog, eh? And when I am finished whining, I will praise God for putting up with me, even in the midst of my whining!


Anonymous said...

You're discovering the oddity of blogging. It ends up being a place where you can just ramble, get things off your chest, sort things out in your mind, wirte things down that you want to remember, and as many other uses as your imagination can come up with.

It's at once narcissistic and cathartic.

Hang in there, Bro'. I'm a classic example of passive-aggressive teen, and I turned out mostly okay. Ian will be fine. Ya gotta take the long view, sometimes.

Scott K. Blount said...

Lil Bro,
You words are more encouraging than you can know. On every level!

Just heard from Elliott that he is having transmission problems with his car. The beat goes on!